Our founder, Vickie Gould, is the mastermind behind over 100 people becoming best sellers​

If you want to grow your reach, create more impact, help more people,

and turn readers into paying clients while you sleep, stop procrastinating about writing your book.

100% of our clients who finish their books get to best seller within 24 hours of their launch.

You can be next.

Here’s What Changemakers and Impactful Coaches
Say About Working with Vickie Gould and Morning Oak Publishing...

I got my book done in about 8 weeks and it has truly been the catalyst to my motivational speaking. I can now see the goal of exiting corporate in the next 6 months come to fruition.  My book has helped me get paid more than my normal speaker fee and it has truly been invaluable to my success.   

Best Selling Author
“Learning to Pivot”
Deneen Andrades

At first, I thought I was going to write my book on my own, but I know that I would not have had the tools to be this successful. Vickie is a great one to have in your corner and I’m truly grateful to have been a part of the program and to have Vickie as my guide. I made 10-12 times my investment within 6 months after I launched my book and I’m continuing to get my money’s worth. Based on my book, I created a beta test of 12 people in a group program and I have speaking gigs nationwide that are paid.

Best Selling Author
“7 Steps to Success”
Dr. Joy Lough

Vickie helped me to get past my limiting beliefs about writing my book and getting it out. I always tell my clients that it was the best money I ever spent. I earned back the money within the first week of launching my book.

Best Selling Author
“Breaking Bravely”
Stacie Winkfield

Vickie has a magical approach and I wrote my book in 30 days. It’s not just about the book. It’s about how she empowers you, helps you get clear with your message and use your story. I had a fantastic experience with Vickie and you know when you want to repeat those great experiences? That’s how I feel now.

Best Selling Author
“From Ugly Duckling to Digital Swan”
Bakytgul Makhmet

Golden Globe Female Boxing Champ
Best Selling Author of
“The New Normal Formula”
Bethany Perry

Internationally renown speaker,
author and coach
Founder of Motivating the Masses
Lisa Nichols

Canadian Olympic Track Star
Best Selling Author of
“How to Embrace Challenges”
Esmie Lawrence

Best Selling Author
“From Abuse to Abundance”
Jay Diamond

Best Selling Author
“Mindset Empowerment”
Andy Smith

Best Selling Author
“Habits Don’t Lie”
Michael Wynn

Best Selling Author
Shaneil Stewart

Best Selling Author
“The Search for Maya”
Merav and Ella Richter

Best Selling Author
“Your Weekly Guide to Bliss”
Ginger Marie Corwin

Best Selling Author
“The Last Love Letter”
DeAnne Joy

Meet Our Best Selling Authors

Brought in over $2M and landed a Tedx talk...

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Used our story formula and got 1000 Likes,
200 Comments and 60 Private Messages.

Merav is making a worldwide impact …​

Best Selling Author
Merav Richter

“MAD Value!” Got Story, Copy, Target, Program and so much done in just 3.5 Weeks and 1000 Views of Video!

or email admin@morningoakpublishing.com for other options.

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